The Contagion Game
The contagion game is a large scale event game meant for roughly 20 players. The game features hidden roles, deduction and social engineering.
The game is a re-design of a game played on the Korean television show 'the Genius.' I co-wrote this version with fellow designers, Scott Silsbe of Liveware Lab and Stefan Salva Cruz from Ironmark Games.

Role Cards
In the Contagion Game, Players are assigned hidden roles of either ‘infected’ or ‘clean.’ Players must use deduction and social engineering to determine who is clean and who is infected.
The game is played over three rounds and the only information players receive is how many players are infected after each round is over. Each round players must make at least one ‘contact’ with at least one other player. Clean players gain 1 point for every clean contact they make. Infected players convert clean players to the infected side.
When the game is over, the clean player with the most successful contacts wins The original infected players win if all original clean players are infected.

Lab Run
Lab Run is a companion game that is meant to run concurrently with the Contagion game. It is a simple press-your-luck style game that allows players to collect sets of molecular components to create antidotes.
If a player consumes an antidote in the same round as becoming infected, they can convert back to a clean player and remain in the game.

Event Photos
This glowing orb is the touch point for players to 'make contact' in the game. The artifact serves as the main focal point for the game's interactions.